Thursday, July 27, 2023

Real Estate: Nick Gerli- the best voice I've heard on real estate

In this video, Adam Taggart of the Wealthion YouTube channel interviews Nick Gerli of Reventure Consulting.  The Wealthion YouTube channel puts out interviews every day, with a wide variety of people on business, money, economics, and investing.  Nick Gerli has his own YouTube channel, Reventure Consulting, where he puts out longer videos up once or twice a week, and YouTube shorts several times a week.  He has also developed the Reventure App real estate app/website where you can look up stats and trends about residential real estate for every part of the U.S.  The Reventure App is still free to use, as I write this. 

I first found Nick Gerli's YouTube channel in the summer of 2022, when I went looking for good info about real estate, as interest rates were starting to rise.  While I was expecting an eventual crash in real estate, Nick was making some claims that seemed pretty far out, even to me.  But as time went on, and I watched more of his content, I realized the Nick really knows his shit.  He's looking at the data, the actual data of what is happening in real estate nationwide.  

He also amazes me for his historic knowledge or real estate.  I'm an old Gen X guy, now 57 years old, I remember the 6-7 year real estate recession here in Southern California in the 1990's, that followed the 80's boom.  Nick's a young guy, but he's done an amazing amount of research at some point, and really looks at today's crazy market from a solid, historical perspective.  

In addition, this past winter, Nick stopped putting out content for a few months.  He did that partly because he was building his app.  But he also traveled much of the U.S. to get a solid, "boots on the ground" look at what is happening in regional and local areas, firsthand.  Nick is on top of the national real estate picture like no one else these days.  

On the other side of this interview, Adam Taggart talks daily to some of the best minds in business, investing, and economics, and has a great knowledge of the crazy dynamics of  the financial world in 2023.  Because of this body of knowledge, Adam does great interviews with these people, in this case, with Nick.  

This interview took place in mid-July 2023.  If you're trying to get a grasp on where the U.S. real estate market is in the summer of 2023, this interview is the best place to start.  

I'm doing a lot of my writing on Substack these days, check it out:

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